PiJuice HAT: Device Tree Overlay installation for OpenBSD

Currently the PiJuice HAT doesn't contain the Device Tree node for the PiJuice HAT I2C MCU in its EEPROM. Therefore, to make it attach to the pijuice(4) driver, we need to apply a custom DTO.

1. Download the Device Tree Overlay (DTO) file, which describes the PiJuice HAT MCU at I2C address 0x14.

2. Unpack it:

$ tar xvzf pijuice_dto.tar.gz

3. Mount your EFI partition, usually located at sd0i:

$ doas mount /dev/sd0i /mnt

4. Copy the DTO file to the overlays directory:

$ doas cp pijuice.dtbo /mnt/overlays

5. Add this line to the /mnt/config.txt file:


6. Reboot your Raspberry Pi. If all went fine, you should see your PiJuice HAT attaching like that:

pijuice0 at iic0 addr 0x14: firmware version 1.5